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Solutions for Meat Industry

MeatMaster™ II
The smart-enabled MeatMaster™ II is the leading in-line fat analyser offering you unmatched accuracy for higher value creation than any other solution. Easy to integrate ‘in-line’ into production, scanning up to approx. 50 tons per hour. Standard options include measuring of fat content, weight determination and inspection for foreign objects.
Raw, chilled or frozen loose meat
Any type of raw meat, chilled or frozen. Packed Meat in boxes, cartons, large cuts

Spice mixtures used in the production of sausages or other meat products may contain celery, gluten, mustard, nuts, milk or other ingredients which can cause allergies or intolerances. In most countries it is mandatory to label ingredients which can cause allergies or intolerances. However, unintended contamination is very common. That is why manufacturers should test their products to ensure correct labeling and to avoid product recalls.

Acids, sugars and other constituents
Acids and sugars are often used as additives in meat production. For instance, lactic acid and acetic acid are added to meat products to increase the microbiological stability. Ascorbic acid is used as a reddening agent and as an antioxidant. Citric acid improves the peelability of sausages and stabilizes color, taste and flavor. Glutamic acid intensifies the taste. Glucose, fructose, lactose and maltose are added for flavoring and preservative action. The determination of acid and sugar content is therefore very important in meat production.

Food adulteration
The varying prices and availability of meat products from different animal species (e.g. beef, horse) provide opportunities for the incorrect declaration of meat components. The identification of animal species is therefore very important in quality assurance. Moreover, the interest in animal speciation is based on religious reasons (halal and kosher food). To avoid fraud and financial damages, manufacturers should test their products with real-time PCR.

Incorrect or illegal use of antibiotics in livestock can lead to drug residues in meat and meat products which bear health risks for consumers. Additionally, the inappropriate use of antibiotics contributes to multiresistance of pathogen bacteria. Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 sets allowable levels of antibiotics in foodstuff of animal origin, e.g. in meat (muscle): 100 μg/kg tetracyline, 500 μg/kg streptomycin, 150 μg/kg bacitracin and a zero tolerance for chloramphenicol.

Hygiene monitoring
Microorganisms such as listeria, salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli or Staphylococcus aureus may cause foodborne diseases. Moreover, it is important to monitor typical spoilage organisms to reduce losses during production and to ensure the product’s stability until the declared shelf life.

Meat and meat products can be contaminated with ochratoxin A. This toxic secondary metabolite produced by moulds can accumulate in various agricultural products. Contamination of meat occurs when animals are fed with ochratoxin A contaminated feed. Contaminated meat may pose a risk to human health.