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Foss Solutions for Flour and Oil Industries

ProFoss™ for flour and whole grain
ProFoss™ measures critical parameters such as ash, protein and moisture for control of incoming raw materials and in the final stages of the milling process. Accurate in-line flour analysis enables you to detect trends in your ash and moisture content, troubleshoot production malfunctions and secure final quality.

NIRS™ DS2500 L
Take advantage of the latest development in rapid oil testing. Test multiple parameters and get consistent results with all monitoring and adjustments taken care of by connectivity-enabled support services. Ease of use and automatic logging of tests empower all staff to deliver valuable tests for constant optimisation of oil production processes.

Food adulteration
Durum wheat (also known as Triticum durum) is the ideal raw material for pasta production and the economically most important wheat species. Since prices for durum wheat are usually higher than prices for non-durum wheat, grain products are sometimes adulterated with non-durum wheat.

Cereals are one of the most important sources for mycotoxins in the food and feed chain. Due to their high prevalence and toxicity regulatory maximum levels for the mycotoxin content in food are in place in many countries worldwide. Reliable screening methods are essential for manufacturers in order to comply with regulations and to ensure toxicologically safe products for humans and animals.

In most countries it is mandatory to label ingredients which can cause allergies or intolerances. However, unintended contamination during storage and production due to carryover is very common. That is why manufacturers should test incoming raw material as well as their final products to ensure correct labeling and to avoid product recalls.

Hygiene monitoring
Foodborne diseases are mainly caused by microorganisms. Thus the control of pathogens throughout the whole production chain is crucial to ensure consumer protection. Moreover, it is important to monitor typical spoilage organisms to reduce losses during production and to ensure the product’s stability until the declared shelf life.

Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
The worldwide production of genetically modified corn, rice and soy is steadily increasing. In many countries, threshold levels for labelling of products containing GMOs have been established to guarantee consumer information on the application of biotechnology. The detection of GMOs in food and feed is essential to properly fulfill labelling and traceability requirements.

Sugars and other constituents
Sugars and acids, such as citric acid, sorbitol or sucrose, are often added to bakery products. Those constituents should be measured in order to give nutritional information on labels, to ensure uniform quality or to comply with legislative requirements. Enzymatic tests are widely used because they are easy to use and give precise results, even in complex matrices.